Raees (2017) is a riveting crime thriller set in the early 80's and 90's in the state of Gujarat. This gripping film follows the journey of a man who dares to defy the odds and build a magnificent empire in a state that strictly enforces prohibition laws. As he climbs the ladder of success, Raees becomes the most influential and powerful figure in Gujarat, thanks to his strategic alliances and unbreakable relationships.
Driven by ambition and determination, Raees embarks on a relentless quest to establish his dominance in the criminal underworld. Along the way, he navigates the treacherous maze of politics, corruption, and power struggles. His rise to power is not without challenges, as he encounters fierce opposition from the authorities and rival gangs seeking to dismantle his empire.
The film delves into the complexities of Raees' character, exploring his moral dilemmas and the consequences of his choices. With a stellar performance by the lead actor, this gripping narrative keeps you on the edge of your seat, fully invested in Raees' journey and the epic battle for supremacy.
Set against a backdrop of grit and glamour, Raees offers a compelling cinematic experience, filled with high-stakes action, intense emotion, and thought-provoking themes. This dynamic crime saga is a must-watch for fans of thrilling dramas that explore the depths of human ambition.