Rådebank (2020–) is a captivating drama series that revolves around the life of Glenn-Tore, aka GT, a charming car mechanic who is adored by everyone in his small town. With his charisma and self-assured nature, GT has always been the popular hunk of the area. However, his world comes crashing down when his girlfriend unexpectedly ends their relationship.
As GT navigates the challenges of heartbreak, viewers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster that explores themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery. GT's journey is filled with ups and downs as he tries to mend his broken heart and find happiness again.
Delving into the complexities of relationships and the consequences of our actions, Rådebank offers a realistic portrayal of modern-day romance and the struggles faced by individuals in the aftermath of a breakup. Alongside GT, audiences will also connect with a diverse cast of characters who play pivotal roles in his healing process.
With its engaging storyline and relatable characters, Rådebank captures the essence of small-town life and the challenges that come with it. This emotionally charged series is sure to keep viewers hooked from start to finish, providing an intimate and honest exploration of the human experience.
Also Known As:
RådebankRelease Date:
20 Mar 2020Writers:
Linn-Jeanethe KyedAwards:
7 wins & 4 nominations