In Queen Bees (2021), a heartwarming comedy, Helen, a fiercely independent woman, finds herself reluctantly moving into a senior's home. As she settles into her new surroundings, she unexpectedly encounters a group of mean-spirited women who form a clique known as the queen bees.
Unfazed by their intimidating presence, Helen befriends the residents who are marginalized by the queen bees and tries to bridge the gap between them. Along the way, she develops a deep and unexpected connection with Dan, a charming widower who catches her attention. Their blooming romance adds a delightful and tender element to the story.
Navigating the intertwining relationships and dynamics within the senior's home, Helen uncovers the joys and challenges of aging while discovering her own capacity for compassion and personal growth. Together with her newfound friends, she confronts ageism, sows seeds of friendship, and learns the true meaning of happiness and acceptance.
Queen Bees is a heartwarming and uplifting film that reminds us of the importance of kindness and connection, regardless of age. Packed with humor, endearing characters, and genuine performances, this charming comedy will leave you with a smile on your face and warm your heart.
Also Known As:
Queen BeesRelease Date:
11 Jun 2021Writers:
Donald Martin, Harrison PowellAwards:
1 nomination