Quarantine (2008) is a heart-stopping horror film that plunges viewers into a terrifying and deadly situation. The story revolves around a dedicated television reporter, Angela Vidal, and her cameraman, Scott, who find themselves trapped inside a building that has been quarantined by the CDC. This quarantine is a result of the sudden outbreak of a mysterious and horrifying virus that turns ordinary humans into bloodthirsty killers.
As the chaos unfolds, Angela and Scott are forced to document the horrifying events unfolding around them. In this suspenseful found-footage style film, viewers are taken on a non-stop rollercoaster ride as they witness the desperate struggle for survival of the people trapped inside the quarantined building. With limited information and resources, the characters must navigate a terrifying environment where anyone could be the next victim or carrier of the deadly virus.
Directed by John Erick Dowdle, Quarantine uses a combination of handheld camera techniques and intense performances to create a gripping and claustrophobic atmosphere that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. This pulse-pounding thriller offers a realistic and relentless portrayal of the horrors that can arise from a lethal virus outbreak.
Prepare to be captivated by Quarantine as it immerses you in a world of fear and survival, where every door could be a potential deathtrap. This movie is a must-watch for horror and thriller enthusiasts who crave an adrenaline-fueled cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
QuarantineRelease Date:
10 Oct 2008Writers:
John Erick Dowdle, Drew Dowdle, Jaume BalagueróAwards:
6 nominations