In the year 2095, the world has been devastated by ecological disasters, with the rising oceans and the scarcity of freshwater causing widespread devastation. In a last-ditch effort to save humanity, Fang Rung undergoes molecular fission, dividing himself into two parts. He sends his other half, known as Gordon Thomas, back in time to the year 2017.
Gordon's mission is to find scientist Mona Lindkvist, whose groundbreaking research could have prevented the impending disaster. However, when Fang Rung loses contact with Gordon, he realizes that he must go back in time himself to locate his other half and ensure that the world's balance is restored before it's too late.
As Fang Rung races against time to save himself and the world, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as he navigates the complexities of time travel and tries to prevent the irreversible damage caused by ecological destruction.
QEDA is a thrilling and thought-provoking sci-fi film that explores the consequences of human action on the environment and the potential for redemption. With its gripping storyline and intriguing characters, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness a race against time to save the world from the brink of destruction.
Also Known As:
Man DividedRelease Date:
16 Nov 2017Writers:
Dunja Gry Jensen, Max KestnerAwards:
3 wins & 10 nominations