In Psych: The Movie, the beloved gang from the hit TV series reunites during the festive season when a member of their group becomes the target of a mysterious attacker. Set in the picturesque town of Santa Barbara, this exciting comedy-mystery follows Shawn Spencer, a skilled and intuitive detective with a knack for solving crimes. Alongside his best friend, Burton Gus Guster, and the rest of the team, Shawn embarks on a thrilling adventure to uncover the identity of the assailant.
As Shawn and Gus delve into the case, they encounter a web of deception, secrets, and unexpected twists. With their signature blend of humor and crime-solving expertise, the gang aims to crack the puzzling situation and bring the culprits to justice. Throughout their quest, they encounter familiar faces from their past and deepen their bond as a team.
Psych: The Movie presents a nostalgic trip down memory lane for fans of the original series as it faithfully captures the humor, charm, and dynamic relationships that made Psych a beloved show. Packed with thrilling moments and heartwarming reunions, this holiday-themed film offers an entertaining mix of mystery, laughter, and camaraderie. Join Shawn, Gus, and the gang as they solve the case, share witty banter, and bring joy to the screen in this highly anticipated reunion movie.
Also Known As:
Psych: The MovieRelease Date:
07 Dec 2017Writers:
Steve Franks, James Roday RodriguezAwards:
2 nominations