In the heartwarming comedy film Problem Child (1990), audiences are introduced to a young boy who possesses a mischievous nature that borders on mischief. This lovable troublemaker finds himself in the care of a kind-hearted man and his eccentric wife who adopt him with hopes of providing him a loving home.
As the story unfolds, viewers are treated to a series of hilarious escapades that ensue when the mischievous boy tests the patience and resilience of his adoptive parents. From causing chaos at birthday parties to wreaking havoc on family vacations, his antics never fail to bring laughter.
Through a delightful blend of comedic situations and tender moments, Problem Child highlights the power of love and acceptance in overcoming challenges. This heartwarming tale serves as a reminder that even the most difficult children can thrive with the right support and patience.
Directed by Dennis Dugan, the film features a stellar cast who deliver exceptional performances, including Michael Oliver as the titular Problem Child, John Ritter as the understanding father, and Amy Yasbeck as the quirky yet compassionate mother.
Problem Child appeals to viewers of all ages with its charming storytelling, witty humor, and endearing characters. Discover the joy and laughter this family-friendly comedy brings as it navigates the trials and tribulations of raising a unique child - without spoiling the surprises in store.
Also Known As:
Problem ChildRelease Date:
27 Jul 1990Writers:
Scott Alexander, Larry KaraszewskiAwards:
1 nomination