In the action thriller Precious Cargo, Eddie, a dangerous crime boss played by Bruce Willis, is on the hunt for Karen, a seductive thief portrayed by Claire Forlani, after a heist goes wrong. Fearing for her life, Karen forms a plan to win back Eddie's trust by enlisting the help of her ex-lover and skilled thief, Jack, played by Mark-Paul Gosselaar. Their mission is to steal a shipment of rare and valuable precious gems. However, as the job unfolds, alliances are tested, loyalties are questioned, and tensions rise between Jack, Karen, and Eddie. It all culminates in an intense and high-stakes showdown that will determine their fates.
Precious Cargo is a thrilling crime drama filled with action, suspense, and unexpected twists. The movie showcases the talents of its star-studded cast, including the charismatic performance of Bruce Willis as the ruthless crime boss. Directed by Max Adams, this film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the characters navigate a dangerous world of heists, betrayals, and deadly confrontations.
Lionsgate Premiere released Precious Cargo both in theaters and on-demand on April 22, 2016, allowing audiences to experience the gripping story from the comfort of their own homes. This fast-paced and adrenaline-fueled film is sure to captivate fans of the crime thriller genre, delivering a thrilling ride from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Precious CargoRelease Date:
22 Apr 2016Writers:
Max Adams, Paul V. Seetachitt