Playmobil: The Movie is an animated feature film that takes inspiration from the popular Playmobil brand toys. Set in the bustling metropolis of Playmobil City, the film follows the adventurous journey of Marla, a young woman who embarks on a mission to find her younger brother Charlie after he mysteriously disappears into the Playmobil world.
As Marla sets out on her quest, she soon finds herself transported into the vibrant and colorful world of Playmobil. Along the way, she encounters a wide array of characters including a food truck driver named Del, a secret agent, and even a loveable fairy-godmother. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure filled with danger, action, and unexpected twists.
With breathtaking animation, catchy musical numbers, and humorous moments, Playmobil: The Movie captures the imagination of both kids and adults. The film explores themes of family, friendship, and self-discovery, encouraging viewers to embrace their inner child and let their imaginations run wild.
Featuring a star-studded cast that includes the voices of Anya Taylor-Joy, Gabriel Bateman, and Jim Gaffigan, Playmobil: The Movie is an entertaining and heartwarming film for the whole family. It reminds us of the importance of staying true to ourselves and never losing sight of what truly matters. So get ready for an adventure like no other as Marla and her newfound friends navigate the extraordinary world of Playmobil to reunite with her brother.
Also Known As:
Playmobil: The MovieRelease Date:
06 Dec 2019Writers:
Michael LaBash, Lino DiSalvo, Blaise Hemingway