Planetarium is a captivating film that tells the story of two sisters, Laura and Kate, who possess a unique gift - the ability to communicate with spirits. Set in Paris during the 1930s, their extraordinary talent captures the attention of a visionary French movie producer, André Korben, who becomes fascinated by their abilities. As the sisters embark on a journey of fame and transcendence, they find themselves entangled in a complex web of secrets and desires.
The film delicately explores the boundaries between reality and imagination, blurring the lines as the sisters captivate audiences with their otherworldly performances. With stunning visuals and a mesmerizing score, the audience is transported into a world where fantasy and reality collide.
Planetarium not only showcases the sisters' supernatural talent but also delves into their complicated relationship and the struggles they face amidst a world on the brink of war. The film subtly touches on themes of love, loss, and the power of the human imagination.
Directed by Rebecca Zlotowski, Planetarium is a must-watch for lovers of mystery and supernatural cinema. With a stellar cast and an intriguing storyline, the film offers a unique and spellbinding experience that will leave viewers questioning the boundaries of the real and the ethereal.
Also Known As:
PlanetariumRelease Date:
11 Aug 2017Writers:
Rebecca Zlotowski, Robin CampilloAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations