Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014) tells the adventurous story of Dusty, a racing plane who faces a devastating setback when he learns that his engine is damaged, jeopardizing his racing career. Determined to find a new purpose and save his beloved air strip from closure, Dusty decides to join an elite forest fire and rescue unit as a firefighter.
As he embarks on his training, Dusty meets a group of brave and skilled aerial firefighters who teach him the ropes and the importance of teamwork. From battling raging forest fires to daring rescue missions, Dusty discovers his true calling and unveils his heroic potential.
Set in the vibrant and dangerous world of aerial firefighting, Planes: Fire & Rescue takes viewers on an action-packed journey filled with breathtaking animation and heartwarming moments. With stunning visuals and an inspiring storyline, this film captures the courage and determination of these brave aviators.
Planes: Fire & Rescue is a thrilling family movie that combines excitement, humor, and valuable life lessons about resilience and self-discovery. This heartwarming tale will captivate audiences of all ages, reminding them of the power of friendship, bravery, and the importance of embracing new challenges.
Get ready to soar to new heights as Dusty takes on his most daring adventure yet in Planes: Fire & Rescue.
Also Known As:
Planes: Fire & RescueRelease Date:
18 Jul 2014Writers:
Bobs Gannaway, Jeffrey M. HowardAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award6 nominations total