In Pirates Code: The Adventures of Mickey Matson (2014), young heroes Mickey and his best friend, Sully, find themselves thrust into a dangerous mission to save their country. Admiral Ironsides and his crew of modern-day pirates have seized control of a merchant ship and are planning to unleash a devastating new weapon capable of destroying all electronic devices on Earth. If they succeed, it could mean the end of the world as we know it.
Mickey and Sully must navigate treacherous waters and outsmart their adversaries to stop Ironsides' malicious plan. Along the way, they encounter thrilling challenges and unexpected allies, including a spirited teenage girl named Copper who joins their cause. Together, they must use their wits, courage, and knowledge of pirate lore to outwit Ironsides and his ruthless crew.
Pirates Code: The Adventures of Mickey Matson is an action-packed family adventure that combines elements of history, mystery, and fantasy. As the young heroes face countless obstacles in their quest, audiences will be captivated by the fast-paced storyline, the engaging characters, and the excitement of the high seas. This thrilling film is sure to entertain viewers of all ages, as Mickey and his friends embark on a daring mission to save the world from a diabolical villain.