In the movie Pig, set in the Oregonian wilderness, a reclusive truffle hunter is forced to confront his past in a quest to find his kidnapped pig. Living a solitary life deep in the woods, the truffle hunter forms an unbreakable bond with his beloved pig, who helps him uncover rare truffles in the forest. However, when his cherished companion is unexpectedly taken from him, he embarks on a journey back to Portland, where he must revisit his former life to retrieve his lost pig.
As the truffle hunter navigates the bustling city, he encounters various characters from his past and learns of the pig's mysterious disappearance. Determined and unwavering, he ventures into hidden corners of the city's underground culinary scene, where rivalries and secrets abound. Along the way, he confronts his own memories and confronts the harsh realities of the world he left behind.
Pig explores themes of loss, connection, and the lengths one will go to retrieve something cherished. This introspective and atmospheric film leaves viewers questioning the true meaning of life and the power of our deepest connections. With breathtaking cinematography capturing the stunning Oregon landscape and powerhouse performances from its cast, Pig is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant cinematic experience.