Pieces of Her
Pieces of Herhttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/MV5BZDBlMjMzN2MtY2YzYS00MWY2LTgzZDgtZTMxYmZjYmIwMDdhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODQzNTE3ODc@._V1_SX300.jpgUnknown
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Pieces of Her

On her 30th birthday out for lunch with her mother suddenly explodes into violence, an adrift young woman's conception of her mother is forever change...d. Show More


On her 30th birthday, a young woman named Andy Oliver finds her life turned upside down when a mundane lunch outing with her mother erupts into a shocking act of violence. This unexpected event shatters Andy's perception of her mother, Laura, and forces her to question everything she thought she knew about her family history.

As Andy grapples with the aftermath, she embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of her mother's past. Fueled by a newfound determination, she discovers that Laura possesses a hidden past as a deadly operative for a covert government organization. Now, Andy must confront the dark truth about her mother's actions and the dangerous consequences they have for her own life.

As the story unfolds, Pieces of Her delves into the complex web of lies and illusions that have surrounded Andy's upbringing. Each revelation leads her closer to the disturbing truth about her mother's identity and the far-reaching consequences of her past choices.

With its pulse-pounding suspense and intricate plot twists, Pieces of Her takes viewers on a thrilling ride through a daughter's quest for truth and self-discovery. This gripping psychological drama explores the power of secrets and the lengths to which one will go to protect the people they love.

*Note: This summary has been adjusted to exclude spoilers from the original reference summary.

Also Known As:

Pieces of Her

Release Date:

04 Mar 2022


Charlotte Stoudt


1 win