In the Japanese drama series Perfect World, Tsugumi Kawana, a young and enthusiastic office lady, finds herself working at an interior design firm. As chance would have it, she is reunited with her former high school crush, Itsuki Ayukawa. They rekindle their friendship and start spending time together once again.
However, Tsugumi soon learns that Itsuki is now bound to a wheelchair due to a tragic accident. Despite this, their bond grows stronger, and Tsugumi finds herself falling in love with him despite the challenges they face.
Perfect World explores the themes of love, acceptance, and the importance of inner beauty. It portrays the struggles faced by individuals with disabilities and highlights the strength and resilience required to navigate through life's obstacles.
This heartwarming series delves into both the personal growth of Tsugumi as she learns to see beyond physical appearances and the emotional journey of Itsuki as he rediscovers the joy in life.
With its engaging storyline, relatable characters, and powerful message, Perfect World is a must-watch for anyone seeking a heartfelt and uplifting drama. Discover how love can transcend barriers and find hope in unexpected places in this touching series.
Also Known As:
Perfect WorldRelease Date:
03 Apr 2019