Peppermint is a thrilling action film that revolves around Riley North, a woman whose life is shattered when her husband and daughter are brutally murdered in a senseless act of violence. Consumed by grief and driven to the edge, she vanishes for five years, only to resurface with a vengeance.
The movie follows Riley as she returns from her self-imposed exile, determined to seek justice and revenge against the perpetrators and the corrupt system that failed to deliver punishment. With an insatiable thirst for retribution, Riley embarks on a mission to dismantle the criminal underworld that destroyed her family.
As the story unfolds, viewers will be on the edge of their seats as they witness Riley's transformation from a grieving widow into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Fueled by her undying determination, she goes on a relentless killing spree and becomes a folk hero to the downtrodden citizens who have lost faith in the authorities.
Peppermint is a gripping and action-packed film that delivers heart-pounding moments and intense fight sequences. It explores themes of justice, revenge, and the lengths a person can go to protect their loved ones. This adrenaline-pumping thriller will keep audiences engaged from start to finish as they root for Riley in her quest for justice.