In the movie Parish, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey following the life of a taxi driver who finds himself entangled with a notorious Zimbabwean gangster. This decision to pick up the gangster leads to unforeseen consequences that completely disrupt his previously ordinary existence. The gangster, known for his exploitation of undocumented immigrants at the U.S. southern ports, brings danger and excitement into the taxi driver's life.
As the two individuals become more deeply involved with each other, the taxi driver is forced to confront his own morals and values. The film explores themes of loyalty, power, and the consequences of getting entwined with dangerous individuals. The tension and suspense build as the taxi driver navigates this dangerous world, leading to unexpected twists and turns along the way.
Parish is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the taxi driver's journey into the dark underworld of organized crime. This film is sure to keep audiences captivated from beginning to end.
Also Known As:
ParishRelease Date:
31 Mar 2024Writers:
Sunu Gonera