Parallel Minds is a gripping Indigenous thriller set in the near future. The story revolves around Margo, a researcher in the Department of Memory, who is on the brink of the release of Red Eye 2, an innovative contact lens that can record and bring back forgotten memories. However, things take a sinister turn when Margo's colleague and head programmer of Red Eye is found brutally murdered.
Filled with a burning desire for justice, Margo joins forces with Thomas, a police detective haunted by his own past, to unravel the mystery behind the murder and delve deeper into the secrets surrounding Red Eye. As they dig deeper, they realize that there is more to this cutting-edge technology than meets the eye.
As the suspense escalates, Margo and Thomas find themselves caught in a futuristic rabbit hole, where they encounter dangerous obstacles and uncover startling truths about personal identity, memory manipulation, and the exploitation of Indigenous knowledge.
Parallel Minds offers a thrilling cinematic experience that combines elements of science fiction and mystery, while also exploring themes of cultural identity and the consequences of advanced technologies. Get ready to be on the edge of your seat as this thought-provoking sci-fi thriller takes you on a mind-bending journey into the depths of memory and the power of remembrance.
Also Known As:
Parallel MindsRelease Date:
01 Sep 2020Writers:
Benjamin Ross Hayden, Drew Hayden Taylor, Gerald WexlerAwards:
3 wins & 12 nominations