Over the Hedge is a heartwarming animated adventure that follows the mischievous raccoon RJ on his quest for survival. When RJ accidentally steals food from a hungry bear named Vincent, he finds himself in a sticky situation. In order to make amends, RJ must retrieve the stolen food and return it to Vincent within a week.
RJ discovers a group of suburban animals led by the wise and cautious tortoise Verne who might be able to help him. Together, they embark on a daring journey to infiltrate the human world, known as suburbia, where food is plentiful. However, they soon realize that they are not alone in suburbia, as a determined woman has hired an exterminator to track down and eliminate any wildlife.
As RJ and his newfound animal friends navigate the dangers of suburbia, they learn valuable lessons about teamwork, friendship, and the importance of family. Will they be able to outsmart the exterminator and retrieve the stolen food in time? And can RJ make things right with Vincent?
Filled with humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments, Over the Hedge is a delightful film for the whole family to enjoy. Join RJ and his furry friends on this thrilling and hilarious adventure that will leave you rooting for the underdogs.