Outpost: Black Sun is a thrilling war horror film set in 1945, during the closing stages of World War II. The movie centers around a German scientist named Klausener, who is developing a terrifying new technology that could create an immortal Nazi army.
In present-day Eastern Europe, a NATO task force is deployed to combat a sinister enemy that is ruthlessly annihilating everything in its path. However, this enemy is unlike anything they have ever encountered before. Only Helena, a courageous investigator who is hunting down Klausener, realizes that they are facing an army of Nazi Storm-Troopers – a group of undead soldiers.
Teaming up with Wallace, a man who has dedicated his life to uncovering Nazi secrets, Helena and a Special Forces Unit delve deep behind enemy lines. Their mission is to find the source of this evil army and prevent the rise of the 4th Reich.
Outpost: Black Sun combines elements of war, horror, and suspense, delivering an action-packed storyline filled with unexpected twists and turns. The film showcases the bravery and determination of its protagonists as they battle against impossible odds to save the world from an unstoppable force. With its dark and atmospheric setting, Outpost: Black Sun promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.
Also Known As:
Outpost: Black SunWriters:
Steve Barker, Rae Brunton