Oscar och Greta och huset de byggde is a heartwarming Swedish film that brings together an unlikely group of people under one roof. The story revolves around a couple named Oscar and Greta who have no children of their own. However, they open their home to four city girls and three country boys, creating an unconventional family dynamic.
Living together, this diverse group often finds themselves arguing, fighting, and struggling to find common ground. Despite their differences, they slowly start to realize that they are not so different after all. Through their shared experiences and challenges, they learn to appreciate one another and develop a sense of understanding and empathy.
The film beautifully portrays the complexities of relationships and the power of acceptance. It showcases the value of building connections and finding commonalities, even among people who seem worlds apart.
Oscar och Greta och huset de byggde is a heartwarming tale that explores themes of family, friendship, and the universal need for belonging. With its relatable characters and poignant storytelling, this film is sure to resonate with viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Oscar och Greta och huset dom byggdeRelease Date:
09 Jan 2017