In Operation Rogue, Captain Max Randall and his team of Marines are faced with a high-stakes mission. A terrorist organization in Southeast Asia has managed to obtain materials to create a deadly chemical bomb, and it is up to Randall and his team to prevent a disaster. However, the mission takes an unexpected turn when Randall's team inadvertently kills the son of the terrorist leader.
As a result, the terrorist group retaliates by kidnapping General Wallace's daughter. Now, not only do Randall and his team have to stop the imminent terrorist attack, but they also have to rescue the General's daughter before it's too late. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever, Randall must rely on his training and expertise to navigate the dangerous jungle and defeat the terrorists.
Operation Rogue is a pulse-pounding action film that takes audiences deep into the jungles of Southeast Asia. Filled with intense combat scenes, high-stakes rescue missions, and a race against the clock, this movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Can Captain Max Randall save the General's daughter, stop the terrorist attack, and bring the dangerous organization to justice? Tune in to find out in this thrilling and suspenseful action-packed movie.