Operation Odessa is a gripping true crime thriller that takes viewers on a wild ride from Brooklyn to Miami, Cali, and Moscow. From the creators of The Seven Five, this documentary unravels the extraordinary story of a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy, and a Cuban spy who joined forces to sell a nuclear submarine to a notorious Colombian drug cartel.
This gangster epic follows the lives of three friends as they embark on an audacious plan to outsmart the Russian mob, the Cali cartel, and the DEA, all in pursuit of the ultimate payday. Their daring venture quickly captivated the international media, transforming them into larger-than-life figures. However, the truth behind the operation has long been shrouded in secrecy - until now.
Operation Odessa showcases the extraordinary lengths these individuals went to achieve their dangerous objective. Through interviews with key players and never-before-seen footage, the documentary sheds light on the shocking events that unfolded during this high-stakes operation. Audiences will be immersed in a world of crime, where alliances are fragile and betrayals are inevitable.
Prepare to be captivated by the exhilarating twists and turns of this real-life thriller. Operation Odessa is a must-watch for true crime enthusiasts craving an adrenaline-fueled story filled with suspense and intrigue. Discover the truth behind one of the most sensational criminal endeavors in recent history in this unmissable documentary.