Operation Buffalo
Operation Buffalohttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/MV5BMmQ0MjAxYjktYTRlMi00MGJkLThjYTQtYzBiMzk2YjgzOTk4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTE1NjY5Mg@@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Operation Buffalo

A gripping thriller, set in Maralinga, South Australia, at the height of the Cold War. At a remote army base carrying out British nuclear testing, par...anoia runs rife and nuclear bombs are not the only things being put to the test, as loyalty, love, and betrayal are pitted against each other. Show More


Operation Buffalo is a captivating thriller that takes place in Maralinga, South Australia, during the tense Cold War era. The story unfolds at a secluded army base where the British conduct nuclear testing. As paranoia runs rampant, the characters find themselves entangled in a web of loyalty, love, and betrayal.

The atmospheric setting of the remote base adds to the suspense and intrigue of the narrative. As the nuclear bombs explode in the distance, the soldiers and scientists grapple with their own personal demons. The high stakes of the Cold War heighten the tension, and trust becomes a scarce commodity.

The characters in Operation Buffalo are deeply layered and complex, each harboring their own secrets and motivations. Their interactions reveal the fragile threads holding their allegiances together. The exploration of love and relationships against this backdrop of secrecy and danger adds an additional dimension to the plot.

As the story unfolds, viewers are immersed in a world of mystery and deceit, where loyalties can shift in an instant. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters are thought-provoking, forcing them to confront their own principles and question the actions of those around them.

With its gripping storyline and well-developed characters, Operation Buffalo promises to be a thrilling and suspenseful watch. The series delves into the human psyche during a time of enormous tension and the consequences of choices made under extraordinary circumstances.

Also Known As:

Operation Buffalo

Release Date:

31 May 2020