In the romantic comedy film Only You (1994), the story revolves around Faith, a young woman who was told as a teenager that her true love and destiny is a man named Damon Bradley. Several years later, Faith is on the verge of marrying a different man when she receives a call from a Damon Bradley who wishes her well. Feeling a strong connection to this stranger, Faith impulsively abandons her wedding plans and embarks on a journey to Italy to find Damon.
Once in Italy, Faith encounters various obstacles and adventures while searching for Damon Bradley. Along the way, she meets a charming and persistent Italian named Giovanni, who becomes her companion and guide. As they explore the beautiful cities of Rome and Venice, Faith becomes torn between her growing feelings for Giovanni and her continuing pursuit of Damon.
Only You is a heartwarming and humorous tale that explores themes of fate, love, and the search for true happiness. The film captures the enchanting beauty of Italy and weaves a captivating story filled with unexpected twists and turns. Will Faith find her true love in Damon Bradley, or will she discover that her destiny lies with someone else? Join Faith on her romantic adventure to find out.
Also Known As:
Only YouRelease Date:
07 Oct 1994Writers:
Diane Drake