In the movie One Life (2023), viewers are introduced to Sir Nicholas 'Nicky' Winton, a courageous young London broker who embarked on a remarkable journey during the tumultuous months leading up to World War II. In a display of immense compassion and heroism, Winton managed to rescue over 600 children from the ominous grasp of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
The film chronicles Winton's unwavering dedication and relentless efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of these vulnerable children, showcasing the incredible impact of one individual's selfless actions in the face of overwhelming adversity. Set against the backdrop of a world plunged into chaos and darkness, One Life serves as a powerful tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring legacy of compassion and bravery in the midst of tragedy.
Through poignant storytelling and captivating performances, One Life offers audiences a poignant and inspiring portrayal of one man's extraordinary mission to provide hope and salvation in a time of desperation. Join us on this unforgettable journey of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering determination in One Life (2023).
Also Known As:
One LifeRelease Date:
01 Jan 2024Writers:
Lucinda Coxon, Nick Drake, Barbara WintonAwards:
3 wins