Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) is the third installment of the Mariachi trilogy directed by Robert Rodriguez. Set in Mexico, the film follows a Mexican drug lord who plans to overthrow the government, but secretly collaborates with a corrupt CIA agent. The agent seeks revenge on his nemesis, using the drug lord's uprising to achieve his own sinister agenda.
The movie showcases Rodriguez's signature style of high-octane action, intense drama, and vivid cinematography. The story centers around an ensemble cast featuring Antonio Banderas as the enigmatic Mariachi, Salma Hayek as his love interest, and Johnny Depp as a paranoid CIA agent. These characters navigate a web of deception, danger, and betrayal as they each pursue their own hidden motives.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico offers a thrilling and suspenseful narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns. The film's fast-paced action sequences and exhilarating gunfights deliver adrenaline-pumping entertainment. Additionally, the picturesque locations and vibrant Mexican culture provide a visually stunning backdrop to the story.
Overall, Once Upon a Time in Mexico is a must-watch for fans of Rodriguez's previous works and anyone who appreciates a thrilling action-packed crime drama. With its compelling storyline, dynamic performances, and visually striking cinematography, this movie is guaranteed to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Get ready to embark on a wild and suspenseful journey through the dangerous world of Mexican cartels and corrupt government agents.
Also Known As:
Once Upon a Time in MexicoRelease Date:
12 Sep 2003Writers:
Robert RodriguezAwards:
3 wins & 6 nominations.