In the movie Oblivion (2013), set on a war-ravaged Earth, we follow the journey of one of the last drone repairmen, Jack Harper. Aided by his partner Vika, Jack's mission is to salvage vital resources and protect the remaining power stations from the alien Scavs. However, when Jack discovers a crashed spacecraft, his world is turned upside down. The contents of the spacecraft challenge everything he thought he knew about the war and humanity's survival.
As Jack begins to unravel the truth, he is faced with a choice that could determine the fate of mankind. With humanity teetering on the edge of extinction, Jack finds himself on a mission that goes beyond his duties as a repairman. He embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the wasteland, aided by a mysterious woman who holds vital information.
Oblivion is a thrilling sci-fi film that delves into themes of identity, loyalty, and the nature of humanity. With stunning visuals that capture the desolate beauty of a post-apocalyptic Earth, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. As Jack's perception of reality is shattered, he must navigate a treacherous path to save not only himself but also humanity. Will he make the right choice and ensure the survival of mankind, or will the secrets he uncovers lead to their downfall? Oblivion is a gripping tale of survival and the power of one person's choices.
Also Known As:
OblivionRelease Date:
19 Apr 2013Writers:
Karl Gajdusek, Michael Arndt, Joseph KosinskiAwards:
1 win & 17 nominations