Nuremberg (2000) is a captivating historical drama that sheds light on the aftermath of World War II. The movie follows the Allies' decision to hold the Nuremberg Trials in order to hold the German Nazis accountable for their war crimes. Out of all the Nazis, 24 individuals from different military and civilian backgrounds are selected as representative defendants. These defendants face charges for their involvement in conspiracy to commit aggression, commission of aggression, crimes during war, and crimes against humanity.
The film provides a comprehensive look at the preparations for the trial, the trial proceedings themselves, and the aftermath of the trials. Audiences witness the events unfold through two key perspectives. The first perspective belongs to Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson, who acts as the voice of justice and seeks to present irrefutable evidence against the defendants. The second perspective belongs to Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, one of the highest-ranking Nazis and a central defendant in the trial. His viewpoint offers insights into the mindset and motivations of the Nazi defendants.
Nuremberg (2000) immerses viewers in a thought-provoking exploration of both the legal and moral ramifications of the Nuremberg Trials. Through its meticulous portrayal of the trial process and the individuals involved, the film prompts audiences to examine the horrors of the Nazi regime and the importance of accountability in the pursuit of justice.