Notorious (1946) is a gripping suspense film directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. The story revolves around Alicia Huberman, the daughter of a convicted Nazi spy, who is recruited by American agents to aid in their investigation of a group of Nazi scientists hiding in South America. Alicia finds herself immersed in a dangerous world as she is asked to infiltrate the group and gather crucial information.
As the plot unfolds, Alicia faces numerous challenges and risks, clashing with the moral dilemma of how far she is willing to go to win the trust of the Nazi scientists. Hitchcock's masterful direction keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Alicia teeters on the brink of danger, with deception and betrayal lurking around every corner.
The film boasts exceptional performances from its cast, with Ingrid Bergman delivering a stunning portrayal of Alicia Huberman. Her character's complexity and transformation captivate audiences, as she navigates her treacherous mission while grappling with her own conflicting emotions.
Notorious is renowned for its nail-biting suspense, clever twists, and the way it raises thought-provoking questions about loyalty, sacrifice, and the blurred lines between good and evil. Hitchcock's meticulous attention to detail is evident throughout the film, creating an immersive experience for viewers.
With its compelling storyline, stellar performances, and Hitchcock's signature touch of suspense, Notorious remains a timeless classic that is sure to captivate audiences.
Also Known As:
NotoriousRelease Date:
06 Sep 1946Writers:
Ben Hecht, Alfred Hitchcock, John Taintor FooteAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 3 wins & 3 nominations total