No Men Beyond This Point is a thought-provoking and satirical mockumentary set in a world where women have stopped giving birth to males, leading to the potential extinction of the male gender. The film follows the life of Andrew Myers, a mild-mannered housekeeper who unwittingly becomes the face of a movement to preserve men.
In this alternate reality, society is dominated by women who have become asexual and can reproduce through parthenogenesis. Men are now considered unnecessary and are relegated to a marginalized and subservient role. However, a few surviving men, including Andrew, find themselves at the center of a battle to save their gender.
Directed by Mark Sawers, No Men Beyond This Point cleverly uses faux archival footage and interviews to explore gender roles, equality, and the notion of biological determinism. The film intelligently and humorously tackles these serious subjects while challenging traditional ideas about gender and power dynamics.
With its witty and inventive approach, No Men Beyond This Point provides a fresh perspective on the gender debate. It offers a humorous and thought-provoking exploration of society's attitudes towards gender and raises questions about the future of humanity. This satirical mockumentary is a must-watch for those interested in social commentary and alternative realities.