In Night Raiders, a gripping and atmospheric sci-fi thriller, the story is set in a dystopian future where a powerful state regime controls everything. Following a devastating war, the government uses dark tactics to maintain control, forcing children to live in state-run institutions. The film centers around a determined single mother, Niska, who embarks on a dangerous mission to save her daughter from the clutches of these oppressive institutions.
Desperate to reunite with her child, Niska joins an underground group of guerrilla fighters known as the Night Raiders, who covertly operate in the shadows. This band of vigilantes, driven by a collective purpose, use their skills and resources to infiltrate the fortified compounds and rescue those taken from their families.
As she infiltrates these institutions, Niska uncovers shocking secrets about the true nature of the regime, sparking a powerful journey of self-discovery and defiance against an oppressive system. Alongside her comrades, she fights not only for her daughter's freedom but for the freedom of all children trapped within the institution's walls.
Night Raiders is an emotionally charged tale of love, sacrifice, and resilience, addressing themes of family bonds and the resilience of the human spirit. Brace yourself for a thrilling ride as Niska navigates a treacherous landscape, challenging the status quo and hoping to bring a brighter future.
Note: The summary has been adjusted to fit the given word count.
Also Known As:
Night RaidersRelease Date:
12 Nov 2021Writers:
Danis GouletAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination