Nicklas Pranker (2022–) is a hilarious and entertaining reality series featuring the renowned Danish footballer, Nicklas Bendtner. In this show, Bendtner takes on the role of an undercover prankster, targeting not only his celebrity friends but also unsuspecting pedestrians on the street.
With a mischievous crew by his side, Bendtner embarks on a series of hilarious pranks that will leave viewers in stitches. From convincing random citizens to get married on the spot to orchestrating the theft of a flatscreen TV, there's no limit to the lengths Bendtner will go to create humor.
But the laughter doesn't stop there. Bendtner's pranks on his celebrity friends elevate the comedy to new heights. Viewers can expect to see him smashing artwork worth a staggering 300,000 euros and roping his friends into his latest venture, Lord The Musical.
No one is safe from Bendtner's pranks, but rest assured, there will be laughter all around. Nicklas Pranker promises to be a rollicking ride filled with hilarious moments, unexpected twists, and unforgettable reactions. Join Nicklas Bendtner and his crew as they navigate the world of pranking, spreading joy and laughter wherever they go.
Also Known As:
Nicklas PrankerRelease Date:
16 Dec 2022