Next Gen (tt7133686) is an exhilarating animated film that tells the story of a young girl whose life is transformed when she befriends a mysterious robot. Faced with loneliness and the harsh reality of bullies, she discovers an unexpected ally in the form of this top-secret robot. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure, facing off against evil bots and a scheming madman.
Set in a futuristic world, Next Gen explores the themes of friendship, redemption, and the power of technology. The film seamlessly combines action-packed sequences with heartwarming moments, creating a captivating narrative that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
This visually stunning animation showcases the vibrant and imaginative world in which the story unfolds. The characters are beautifully animated, each with their own unique characteristics and quirks. The friendship between the girl and the robot is at the heart of the film, providing a touching and relatable dynamic that will resonate with audiences of all ages.
Next Gen is a must-watch for fans of animated films that seamlessly blend action, comedy, and heartfelt storytelling. Whether you're a child or an adult, this thrilling adventure will take you on a journey filled with excitement, laughter, and emotional depth. Don't miss out on this unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Next GenRelease Date:
07 Sep 2018Writers:
Wang Nima, Kevin R. Adams, Joe KsanderAwards:
1 win & 5 nominations