Neptune Frost is a groundbreaking film that weaves together the captivating stories of an intersex African hacker, a coltan miner, and the astonishing creation that arises from their collaboration. Set in the heart of Africa, this thought-provoking movie takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey into the realms of technology, love, and social justice.
The film tells the story of Neptune, a talented hacker who discovers a virtual marvel after a chance encounter with a coltan miner named Nkeme. As their lives become entwined, they find themselves drawn into a world where reality and technology merge, ultimately leading to the birth of an extraordinary creation that challenges societal norms.
Against the backdrop of the African continent, Neptune Frost delves into profound themes of identity, belonging, and the power of unity in the face of adversity. With stunning visuals and a powerful narrative, the film explores the complexities of human relationships and the impact of technology on our lives.
This groundbreaking film is a must-watch for anyone seeking a unique and thought-provoking cinematic experience. Neptune Frost pushes boundaries and ignites important conversations about gender, technology, and the pursuit of freedom. Prepare to be captivated by its mesmerizing storytelling and visionary cinematography.
Experience the magic of Neptune Frost and embark on a journey unlike any other, as it redefines the possibilities of love, activism, and the future of humanity.
Also Known As:
Neptune FrostRelease Date:
10 May 2023Writers:
Saul WilliamsAwards:
3 wins & 17 nominations