Nails (2017) is a gripping horror movie that follows the life of Dana, a paralyzed woman who is determined to reclaim her life and reconnect with her family after a devastating accident. However, her road to recovery takes a sinister turn when she encounters a malevolent ghost in her hospital room.
Haunted by his vengeful spirit, Dana soon finds herself in a terrifying battle for survival as she is subjected to a series of unexplained and horrifying events. As the ghost becomes increasingly violent and relentless in its attempts to harm her, Dana must find a way to escape its clutches and uncover the truth behind its malevolence.
Nails combines elements of psychological horror and supernatural thrills to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film explores themes of resilience, fear, and the lengths one will go to protect themselves and their loved ones. With its chilling atmosphere, nail-biting suspense, and spine-tingling scares, Nails delivers an intense and chilling cinematic experience.
This hair-raising horror film is directed by Dennis Bartok and features a stellar performance by Shauna Macdonald as Dana. With its unexpected twists and turns, Nails will keep audiences guessing until the very end. Can Dana escape the clutches of the vengeful ghost and reclaim her life, or will she succumb to its terrifying power? Find out in this hauntingly captivating horror flick.