In the movie Något att minnas (2019), viewers are taken on a mysterious and thought-provoking journey filled with unexpected encounters and peculiar events. The film centers around two pigeons exploring a zoo devoid of animals, a snail visiting the doctor to measure his blood pressure, and a catastrophic incident at the CERN laboratory. As these seemingly unrelated events unfold, a sense of impending doom looms in the background, creating a tense and eerie atmosphere.
Through its surreal imagery and enigmatic storytelling, Något att minnas raises questions about the nature of existence, the fragility of life, and the impact of human actions on the world around us. As the characters navigate through a series of bizarre and unsettling situations, viewers are left to ponder the deeper meaning behind these events and their implications for the future.
With its captivating visuals and haunting soundtrack, Något att minnas is a unique and immersive cinematic experience that will leave audiences intrigued and unsettled long after the credits roll.
Also Known As:
Something to RememberRelease Date:
01 Nov 2019Writers:
Niki Lindroth von BahrAwards:
5 wins & 17 nominations