In the charming town of Mystic, three teenage girls embark on a journey of self-discovery while working at the local pizza parlor. This coming-of-age film follows the lives of the girls as they navigate relationships, family dynamics, and dreams for the future. Jojo, Daisy, and Kat are three distinct personalities with their own aspirations and struggles, each finding solace and support in their friendship with one another.
As the girls navigate the complexities of love and adulthood, they learn valuable lessons about loyalty, trust, and the importance of staying true to themselves. Mystic Pizza beautifully captures the essence of small-town life, painting a vivid picture of the close-knit community and the challenges that come with growing up in such a setting.
With heartwarming moments and relatable characters, Mystic Pizza is a classic tale of friendship, love, and finding one's place in the world. Join Jojo, Daisy, and Kat as they discover the true meaning of family and the power of following your dreams in this timeless coming-of-age story set in the picturesque town of Mystic.
Also Known As:
Mystic PizzaRelease Date:
21 Oct 1988Writers:
Amy Holden Jones, Perry Howze, Randy HowzeAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations