In the captivating documentary My Scientology Movie, renowned journalist Louis Theroux delves into the secretive inner workings of the notorious Church of Scientology. With an investigative approach, Theroux attempts to shed light on the organization's controversial practices and uncover its hidden truths.
The film follows Theroux's compelling journey as he interacts with former Scientology members and attempts to gain access to the tightly guarded institution. Faced with denial and secrecy at every turn, Theroux recruits actors to reenact some of the alleged events experienced by ex-members. This unique approach offers a glimpse into the intense environment and tactics employed by the Church.
Theroux's relentless pursuit of the truth leads him into encounters with current members, which provide insight into their unwavering devotion and the overall structure of the organization. Through thought-provoking interviews and footage, Theroux consistently challenges the Church's beliefs and practices, highlighting the question of whether it truly operates as a religion or something more sinister.
My Scientology Movie is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration into one of the most controversial organizations in the world. Theroux's keen investigative skills and fearless determination make for an enthralling viewing experience. Prepare to be captivated as you join Theroux on this eye-opening journey into the hidden depths of Scientology.
Also Known As:
My Scientology MovieRelease Date:
10 Mar 2017Writers:
John Dower, Louis TherouxAwards:
4 nominations