In the family-friendly film My Favorite Martian released in 1999, we follow the exciting and hilarious journey of a friendly Martian named Uncle Martin who crash-lands on Earth. When he meets a kind-hearted reporter named Tim O'Hara, played by Jeff Daniels, Uncle Martin must find a way to hide his extraterrestrial nature to avoid capture.
As the amusing storyline progresses, Uncle Martin unravels his extraordinary abilities, including the ability to teleport, read minds, and change his appearance. With the help of his quirky, shape-shifting spaceship, Uncle Martin cleverly conceals his true identity while embarking on whimsical adventures with Tim.
Their friendship grows as the odd pair attempt to repair the spaceship and send Uncle Martin back home. However, they must outsmart the scheming Men in Black, who relentlessly pursue the duo, eager to capture Uncle Martin and exploit his advanced alien technology.
With its whimsical humor, endearing characters, and exciting escapades, My Favorite Martian is a delightful comedy suitable for the whole family. This film combines witty comedy, imaginative special effects, and heartfelt friendships, offering an enjoyable cinematic experience for viewers of all ages. Join Uncle Martin and Tim O'Hara on their comical exploits as they navigate the challenges of living together while keeping Uncle Martin's interplanetary origins a secret.
Also Known As:
My Favorite MartianRelease Date:
12 Feb 1999Writers:
John L. Greene, Sherri Stoner, Deanna OliverAwards:
3 nominations