In the quirky comedy film My Blind Brother (2016), two brothers find themselves entangled in a hilarious and competitive rivalry that reaches its climax during a charity swim competition. Robbie, who is handsome and athletic, is known for his charitable deeds and ability to excel in almost everything he does. On the other hand, his blind brother Bill has always lived in Robbie's shadow, relying on him for support and constantly feeling inadequate.
Their rivalry takes an unexpected turn when Rose, a quirky and lovable girl, enters their lives. While Robbie sees her as an opportunity for romance and support, Bill develops strong feelings for her, leading to a complex love triangle that escalates the tension between the brothers.
As the charity swim competition approaches, the stakes become higher than ever, and the brothers must confront their true feelings towards each other and face the difficult choices they've made. Filled with hilarious misunderstandings, awkward encounters, and unexpected twists, My Blind Brother is an endearing tale of sibling rivalry, love, and self-discovery.
**NOTE: The remaining part of the summary should include information about the director, the main cast, and any notable awards or acclaim the film has received.
Also Known As:
My Blind BrotherRelease Date:
19 Sep 2016Writers:
Sophie GoodhartAwards:
3 wins