Mulan (1998) is a captivating animated film that retells the timeless Chinese folktale. The story revolves around a brave young Chinese woman named Mulan, who discovers that her frail father has been summoned to the army to defend their land against the menacing Huns. Aware that her father's life is in grave danger, Mulan makes a daring decision to disguise herself as a man and join the army in his place.
Unbeknownst to Mulan, her ancestors become aware of her plan and dispatch a misfit dragon named Mushu to stop her. However, upon meeting Mulan and witnessing her resolve, Mushu decides to lend his assistance instead. Together, they embark on a treacherous journey to protect their country from the ruthless Huns.
Mulan is an empowering tale that showcases courage, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself. The film beautifully depicts Mulan's struggle to prove herself among her male counterparts, as well as the challenges she faces as she navigates a world dominated by men.
With its stunning animation, memorable characters, and heartfelt storytelling, Mulan captivates audiences of all ages. This epic adventure is a testament to the strength and determination of one young woman who defies societal expectations to protect her family, honor, and her country. Mulan is a must-watch film that will leave viewers inspired and uplifted.
Also Known As:
MulanRelease Date:
19 Jun 1998Writers:
Robert D. San Souci, Rita Hsiao, Chris SandersAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 17 wins & 21 nominations total