Mr Sunshine (2018) is an epic historical drama set in the years 1900 to 1905. The story follows the journey of a young soldier, who was separated from his family during the Shinmiyangyo, a significant event in Korean history when a U.S. military expedition took place in 1871. Boarding an American military ship as a child, he is taken to the United States, where he grows up.
Years later, the protagonist returns to his homeland as an American soldier, a place that had seemingly abandoned him. Stationed in Korea, he meets and falls in love with the daughter of a nobleman. As their forbidden love blossoms, they face numerous challenges and obstacles due to their differing social statuses and societal expectations.
Set amidst a backdrop of political turmoil and social change, Mr Sunshine explores themes of identity, loyalty, and sacrifice. It delves into the complexities of love, loyalty, and patriotism, as the hero grapples with his conflicted allegiances between Korea and the United States.
With its compelling storytelling and beautifully crafted cinematography, Mr Sunshine takes viewers on an emotional and gripping journey through this transformative period in Korean history. This highly acclaimed drama offers a compelling blend of historical accuracy and captivating romance, making it a must-watch for fans of epic period dramas.
Also Known As:
Miseuteo Shunshain