In the animated TV series Mr. Pickles (2013–2019), the Goodman family leads an ordinary life with an extraordinary pet, Mr. Pickles. This lovable border collie may seem like an adorable and devoted companion, but he has a dark side. A secret satanic streak runs through him, creating a unique and unpredictable dynamic within the household.
As the show unfolds, viewers are taken on a hilarious and sometimes twisted journey through the misadventures of the Goodman family and their mischievous pet. Each episode presents a new challenge for the family to navigate, with Mr. Pickles often at the center of the chaos.
Despite his devilish ways, Mr. Pickles also has a softer side, regularly saving the day and showing acts of kindness. However, the family is forced to confront the truth about their seemingly innocent pet, leading to unexpected revelations and hilarious situations.
Serving as a dark comedy, Mr. Pickles blends elements of humor, horror, and satire to create a unique viewing experience. With remarkable animation, witty writing, and memorable characters, this innovative series delivers entertainment for both adult animation enthusiasts and lovers of dark humor.
Discover the secrets that lie behind Mr. Pickles' innocent façade, as the Goodman family embarks on a wild journey filled with laughter, surprises, and a little bit of satanic mischief.
Also Known As:
Mr. PicklesRelease Date:
26 Aug 2013Writers:
Will Carsola, Dave Stewart