In the animated film Mr. Peabody & Sherman, viewers are introduced to the extraordinary Mr. Peabody, a dog who is not only a business tycoon, inventor, and scientist but also a two-time Olympic medalist and genius. Alongside his adopted human son, Sherman, the duo embarks on incredible adventures through time using Mr. Peabody's groundbreaking invention, the WABAC machine.
Through their time-traveling escapades, Mr. Peabody and Sherman get the unique opportunity to witness history's monumental moments firsthand and even interact with some of the most iconic figures in history. However, trouble ensues when Sherman disregards the rules of time travel, leading to a race against the clock for our heroes to fix the mistakes and preserve the future.
As they strive to repair history, Mr. Peabody must confront his greatest challenge yet - parenting. Despite his brilliance and accomplishments, will he be able to guide Sherman through the dangers of time travel and teach him valuable life lessons?
With its heartwarming tale of a remarkable dog and his devoted son, Mr. Peabody & Sherman is a delightful family-friendly film that combines education, adventure, and humor. Join Mr. Peabody and Sherman on their thrilling quest to save history and learn the true meaning of family.