In Mother Of Tears (2007), an American art student finds herself immersed in an ancient battle of good versus evil. Set in Rome, the movie follows Sarah, who unintentionally awakens the malevolent Mater Lachrymarum, also known as the Third Mother. As chaos ensues and dark forces reign over the city, Sarah discovers her own hidden powers of magic that she must harness to stop the witch's terrifying rule.
Directed by horror maestro Dario Argento, Mother Of Tears is the final installment in the Three Mothers Trilogy, which began with Suspiria and continued with Inferno. Combining elements of supernatural horror and gory violence, the film delves into the depths of darkness and the power of the occult.
As Sarah battles the forces of evil, she encounters a dangerous cult and its sadistic followers, who will stop at nothing to assist the Third Mother in her reign of terror. With time running out and the city on the brink of destruction, Sarah must navigate a treacherous path and embrace her magical abilities in order to save herself and those around her.
Mother Of Tears is a visually stunning and atmospheric film that showcases Argento's unique and vibrant filmmaking style. As the final chapter of the trilogy, it offers a thrilling conclusion to the epic battle between witches and the forces of good. Prepare to be enthralled and terrified as you witness the ultimate showdown between a brave young woman and the embodiment of pure evil.
Also Known As:
Mother of TearsRelease Date:
31 Oct 2007Writers:
Dario Argento, Jace Anderson, Adam GieraschAwards:
1 nomination