Mother (2020) is a captivating and provocative drama directed by Tatsushi Ohmori. It revolves around the life of Akiko, a lively single mother who shares a deep bond with her young son. While her son relies on her for support and care, Akiko seeks validation and sexual gratification from various men in her life.
Akiko's insatiable desire for attention and physical intimacy leads her on a journey of self-discovery, examining the complexities of her own desires and the consequences they have on her relationships. As she explores different encounters with men, she grapples with the idea of motherhood conflicting with her personal desires.
The film delves into Akiko's need for human connection and explores themes of love, sexuality, and the challenges faced by modern women in society. Ohmori's direction expertly captures the raw emotions and complexities of Akiko's character, immersing the audience in her journey of self-realization.
Mother offers a poignant exploration of motherhood, sexuality, and the challenging choices women face. It presents a thought-provoking narrative that aims to challenge societal norms and shed light on the complexities of human desire.
Prepare to be captivated by Mother's honest portrayal of a woman's journey towards self-acceptance and fulfillment amidst the chaotic expectations of motherhood.
Also Known As:
MotherRelease Date:
03 Jul 2020Writers:
Takehiko Minato, Tatsushi Ohmori