In the fantasy adventure film Mortal (2020), viewers are taken on a thrilling journey alongside a young man who stumbles upon his extraordinary God-like powers, deeply rooted in ancient Norwegian mythology. This captivating origin story paints a vivid picture of a world where human abilities go beyond the ordinary.
Set against the backdrop of magnificent Norwegian landscapes, the visually stunning film follows Eric, a young man with a troubled past who suddenly finds himself wielding immense powers. As he grapples with his newfound abilities, Eric must navigate a treacherous landscape of hidden dangers and mythical creatures.
Mortal offers a fresh take on the superhero genre, creating a unique blend of modern-day reality and ancient folklore. The film brilliantly combines action-packed sequences with moments of introspection, as Eric embarks on a quest to understand and control his powers. Throughout his journey, he encounters both friends and foes, adding layers of complexity to his character.
Directed by André Øvredal, known for his visually striking storytelling, Mortal promises to captivate and engage audiences from beginning to end. With its dynamic cinematography and seamless special effects, this film is a thrilling adventure that explores the depths of human potential and the mysteries of ancient mythology.
Prepare to be enthralled as you embark on a journey unlike any other, as Eric discovers the incredible power within himself in Mortal, an adrenaline-fueled fantasy adventure that blends modern-day allure with ancient legends.
Also Known As:
MortalRelease Date:
28 Feb 2020Writers:
Geoff Bussetil, Norman Lesperance, André Øvredal