Morran & Tobias - Som en skänk från ovan (2016) is a heartwarming Swedish comedy that revolves around the lives of a mother, Morran, and her young son, Tobias, as they navigate through life's challenges. Together, they create a unique bond filled with love and laughter.
Set in a small rural town, the film explores the everyday struggles faced by Morran and Tobias. Morran, portrayed by Swedish comedian Johan Rheborg, is a single mother who often finds herself in hilarious yet relatable situations. Her spontaneous personality, coupled with a lack of filter, leads to comedic mishaps that always keep audiences entertained.
Tobias, played by Ping Mon Wallén, is a smart and energetic boy who brings light to his mother's life. Despite their financial and personal challenges, Morran and Tobias's unbreakable bond helps them overcome obstacles and find joy in even the simplest moments. The film beautifully captures the essence of their relationship and the unconditional love they share.
Filled with lovable characters and heartwarming moments, Morran & Tobias - Som en skänk från ovan is a delightful comedy that will resonate with audiences of all ages. Whether it's Morran's misadventures or Tobias's infectious energy, this film guarantees genuine laughter and a reminder of the importance of family.
Also Known As:
Morran & Tobias - Som en skänk från ovanRelease Date:
26 Oct 2016Writers:
Robert Gustafsson, Mats Lindberg, Johan RheborgAwards:
2 nominations