Monsters at Work is a delightful animated series that takes place in the beloved Monsters, Inc. universe. Set after the events of the original film, this show follows the adventures of Tylor Tuskmon, a talented young mechanic with big dreams of making it to the prestigious Laugh Floor.
Tylor is ecstatic when he finally lands a job at Monsters, Inc., only to discover that things have changed. The company now harvests laughter instead of screams, making his job obsolete. Determined to prove himself, Tylor sets his sights on the newly formed MIFT (Monsters, Inc. Facilities Team) division, hoping to work his way up to the Laugh Floor.
Joining Tylor on this hilarious journey are a lovable cast of characters including his best friend Val Little, the ever-optimistic Cutter, and the enthusiastic Duncan. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of their jobs, often finding themselves in comical situations that test their abilities and friendships.
As the series unfolds, Tylor learns important lessons about teamwork, resilience, and the power of laughter. With heartwarming moments, witty humor, and stunning animation, Monsters at Work is a must-watch for both fans of the original film and newcomers to the Monsters, Inc. universe.
Also Known As:
Monsters at WorkRelease Date:
07 Jul 2021Writers:
Bobs GannawayAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations